Source: Paramount Pictures
This week’s classic honors the late great director John Hughes on the heels of his birthday, and takes us back to 1988 for a story about a young couple expecting their first child in the film, “She’s Having A Baby.”
The couple, Jake and Christy Briggs, are played by Kevin Bacon and Elizabeth McGovern. They are newlyweds dealing with the pressures of being young and married. Jake is looking for a job as a copywriter while dealing with his disapproving father-in-law and parents who are desperate for grandchildren. Their life is a whirlwind and like with many couples, it’s easy to get lost in newlywed madness and take each other for granted. Such is the case with Jake and Christy who find themselves in a complicated labor, which threatens the lives of Christy and the baby, making them appreciate all the beauty in life.
“She’s Having A Baby” has plenty of marital conflict, which is often hilarious. In one scene in particular, Jake’s playboy best friend, played by Alec Baldwin, shows up with his party-girl girlfriend who seems to enjoy putting on a show while they are all chatting. Christy is so disgusted that she doesn’t even want the girlfriend in her house, sparking an argument between the newlyweds.
While writing the screenplay, Hughes drew on his own experience as a young copywriter in Chicago, trying to find a job to support his family. The story is wrought with the perfect amount of drama, real married moments and like most John Hughes films, lots of laughs.
In addition to Bacon, McGovern and Baldwin — who are all perfectly cast — Hughes surrounded them with a talented ensemble, which included John Ashton, Paul Gleason and the hilarious Edie McClurg, who appears in many Hughes films. You can also lose yourself during the film while trying to count several uncredited cameos.
When it came to putting the rest of the project together, Hughes collaborated with Stewart Copeland from the Police to create a great score. The film also has many songs on a solid soundtrack.
As prolific as John Hughes was as a writer, he only directed eight films in his 35-year career, but they were some of his best and included “Planes, Trains and Automobiles,” “Ferris Bueller’s Day Off,” “Sixteen Candles” and “The Breakfast Club.”
Fun fact: “She’s Having A Baby” was shot at the same time as “Planes Trains And Automobiles” was being shot, which resulted in a cameo by Kevin Bacon in “Planes, Trains …,” where he races Steve Martin and beats him to a cab during rush hour in New York City. There is also a scene in “Planes” where Martin’s character’s wife, Susan Page, played by actress Laila Robbins, is laying in bed. On the TV in the background is an argument during a famous scene between Bacon and McGovern from “She’s Having A Baby.”
As much as Hughes gets credit for writing stories that capture teenage worlds, “She’s Having A Baby” is just one example that proves he was brilliant when it came to writing any character. “She’s Having a Baby” is this week’s Classic Movie Pic of the Week.
Editor’s note: For more movie and entertainment talk, join Pete Schwaba weeknights from 6 p.m. to 8 p .m. for “Nite Lite” on the Civic Media radio network.
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